[라이프롱잉글리쉬] Amelia Bedelia
Before- reading |
1. Mind-mapping(Brainstorming): about 'housekeeper' - What does a housekeeper look like? - What should a housekeeper be like? 2. Key Pictures- Look at the cover of the storybook and talk about it 3. Scanning/ skimming the text- Who(Characters)/Where/When(Settings)/What was the problem? |
While- reading |
1. Read aloud: Chunk Reading –Whole Class à In teams (Stop Game/Role-Reading) àIndividual Reading 2. (w/o book)- Comprehension(Factual à Inferentialà Critical thinking questions) 3. True or False 4. "Quotations": Who said it?/When does he say it?/Why does he say it? Game 5. Speed Game (by saying/writing key words)- 2 teams T: a person who cleans, cooks, and looks after the house S: a housekeeper |
After- reading |
1. Storyline: Retell the story by ordering the key pictures 2. Information Transfer: Graphic Organizer 3. Group Discussion Question: ‘If I were a housekeeper, I would …..’ 4. Making a minibook: Portfolio-Personalization(Presentation)