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유용한 영어교육 사이트 Top 40

LE Network Inc 2009. 7. 1. 14:37

오늘도 반갑습니다! 제가 영어 튜터나 선생님들에게 희소식을 알려드려요!

여러분은 영어교육에 관한 자료, 아이디어, Lesson Plan, 게임, Worksheet, 기사 등을 어디에서 찾으세요?
교육관계자끼리 서로 정보 공유도 안되고 서점까지 가긴 싫고 무슨 책부터 봐야 될지도 모를 때 수업 준비에 필요한 모든 정보들 아래의 웹사이트들에서 구하시길!
놀라지 마세요.  이런 방대하고 수준 높은 정보가 모두 공짜에요.  모두 오셔서 마음껏 퍼가세요.

1. Learning Page http://www.learningpage.com Useful Teaching Materials for School Subjects

2. BBC School http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools Lesson Plans, Worksheets, Activities and Games for School Subjects
3. Eduplace http://www.eduplace.com Resources for School Subjects

4. British Council
http://www.britishcouncil.org/kids.htm  Stories and Activities for Kids   

5. Elllo
http://www.elllo.org/ listening to interview including script

6. ESL Party Land
http://www.eslpartyland.com/teachers/nov/conv.htm  CONVERSATION LESSONS, DISCUSSION QUESTIONS

7. Daily ESL
http://www.dailyesl.com/  EVERYDAY  CONVERSATION  TOPICS

8. Time for Kids
www.timeforkids.com  READING, ACTIVITIES and more for KIDS

9. Apples for the Teacher
http://www.apples4theteacher.com/ READING, PHONICS, COLORING for YOUNG KIDS

10. Jennifer ESL
http://www.youtube.com/user/JenniferESL Free online instruction from an experienced teacher for ESL or EFL advanced classes

11. Fact Monster
 http://www.factmonster.com Homework help and Resouces (Science, History, Geography, and Biography: K-8)

12. Flashcard hub
http://www.flashcardhub.com/ FLASH CARDS for BEGINNERS

13. Scholastic http://printables.scholastic.com/printables/home/?ESP=PRT/ib//acq/printables_slimnav_Teachers///nav/txtl////  READING  MATERIALS, teaching strategies

14. Anglomaniacy
www.anglomaniacy.pl/  GRAMMAR, VOCABULARY

15. This I Believe
http://thisibelieve.org/view_featured_essays.php  Essay writing tips, Reading essays, and Listening essays

16. Isabel Perez http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm  MUSIC, lyrics and audio recordings of each song

17. Sozo Exchange
http://www.sozoexchange.com/category/episodes/ Episode, pronunciation, Idioms, quizzes, forum for advanced levels

18. Rachel's Class http://rachelsclass.googlepages.com/  RESOURCES FOR  STUDENTS (great example of webpages set up for classes) 

19. ABC Teach www.abcteach.com HANDOUTS, STORIES

20. Story Place
http://www.storyplace.org The Children's Digital Library

Owl English http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/esl/eslstudent.html  OWL  Purdue with many links--very well organized

22. ESL Cafe http://www.eslcafe.com/  Lots of MINIMUM PREP LESSON IDEAS. Great meta site.

23. Iteslj http://iteslj.org/t/  LESSONS and IDEAS

24. TELUS http://www3.telus.net/linguisticsissues/  KAREN'S LINGUISTIC ISSUES  Practical and professional development resources are available. Student resources and links are also provided.

25. C for LPT http://www.c4lpt.co.uk/recommended/larryferlazzo.html    TOP 10 TOOLS 2007 & 2008 Larry Ferlazzo

26. L Clark
http://www.lclark.edu/~krauss/toppicks/grammar2.html  MULTIPLE SITES FOR MULTIPLE SKILLS

27. English Media Lab http://englishmedialab.com/  INTERACTIVE  EXERCISES  for all levels, skills

28. E.L. Easton http://eleaston.com/ VARIETY OF EXERCISES FOR DIFFERENT SKILLS

29. AL Daily www.aldaily.com  READING for ADVANCED ESL LEARNERS  (links to news sites, etc.)

30. Learn English Today
http://learn-english-today.com GRAMMAR, GAMES, PRONUNCIATION

31. Teacher Vision
http://www.teachervision.fen.com Tools and resources for Grades K-1

32. Idiom Connection http://www.idiomconnection.com LOTS of IDIOMS

33. Dana's Wiki
http://www.danasaito.de Resources for Teachers and Students

34. Using English www.usingenglish.com/handouts/  HANDOUTS

35. English Grammar Secrets http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/  LESSONS

36. ESL Gold
http://www.eslgold.com/grammar/quizzes.html  GRAMMAR QUIZZES

37. Azar Grammar

38. English for You
http://www.english-4u.de/grammar_exercises.htmGRAMMAR EXERCISES

39. English Grammar 101
http://www.englishgrammar101.com GRAMMAR PRACTICE

40. Starfall www.starfall.com Free Public Service to Teach Children to Read with Phonics

41. Teacher Created Resources http://www.teachercreated.com/   Free Lessons and Worksheets for Elementary School Teaching

42. American Rhetoric www.americanrhetoric.com  News and Articles for Adults

43. Hulu  http://www.hulu.com Free TV and Movies


이상 제 글이 도움이 되셨다면, 힘내라고 아래의 손가락을 꾸~욱 눌러주세요.