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[카툰일기] The Cartoon Diary of Youngmoo- 포요모 13호

LE Network Inc 2010. 3. 11. 10:00

포요모 13호 과학실험실

     This picture above is a laboratory in the future which I want to build and I would like to explain it to you. I completed drawing it on February 26, 2010.

     I'll start with the first floor. As you can see, there is a room for the robots. They need to be trained so they can work for their owners. In the next room, you can see a ladder kind of thing in the middle. It is like an elevator except there's no automatic door and you have to put your hands and feet in the holes to go upstairs. 

     Also, you might see some vaults. That's because no matter how safe you are, you sometimes get unlucky. I hope you know what I'm talking about. There are some missiles, bullets, bombs, some medicine and some food in them.

     The kitchen is one of  my favorites. There is this stove where you can put a bag where there is food inside and whatever the food is, it comes out hot and yummy in about 20 seconds. I'm telling you I got that idea from 'Space Buddies.' You should watch it, it's really fun. Anyways, that's all for the first floor.
     Did I tell you this lab was going to be on top of Mt. Everest? If I didn't, just think it would be. It's supposed to be built in 2051 and it's for finding some meteorites that could be crashing to the Earth, others might be discovering new galaxies or stars, detecting changes in the sun and the planets, and explosions in the stars.
     Time for the second floor I guess. You see the bathroom? It's not that well developed comparing to the other rooms. The beds are 4 king-sized, attatched, two in the top and two in the bottom. Besides, if you press a button, natural gases made out of plants that smell good will make you sleep, and if you press the emergency button, the whole bed will be transformed to a big screened computer. Finally, there's a ladder leading up to the 'Teleroom', which you can observe the universe with two different telescopes.

    The Launch Room at the very top of this lab is very important to these guys because it is used to launch missiles and bombs, shoot bullets, and make connections with the satellites.

     The Ship Room right next to the Launch Room is for emergency cases, or sometimes for going out to shop in their nearby market. 

     The things on both sides of the lab are some meteorites that they found, missiles, and machine guns for their safety.

     I like to draw cool stuffs that always pop up in my head.  I would like to share these creative ideas with all of you out there by showing you my collections of cartoon drawing. If you want to respond to me, please leave me some messages at the bottom. Thank you!

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