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[라이프롱잉글리쉬] Lulu Goes to Witch School

LE Network Inc 2008. 11. 6. 00:45
An I can read book series- Level 2 동화로 Phonics 를 습득한 어린이는 스스로 정독과 내용파악이 가능한 단계의 책




1. Mind-mapping(Brainstorming): about difference between ‘normal schools’ and ‘witches’ school’

  - Have you ever met/ read about witches? (Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel, The Wizard of Oz, Snow White)

  - What do they look like? (They are ugly and old. They wear tall black hats, boots, dresses or cloaks.)

  - What do they eat? (They eat worms, lizards and children.???)

  - What do they do? (They put magical spells on people., They always try to bother children.)

  - How do they move from a place to another? (They ride on broomsticks and fly.)

2. Key Pictures- Look at the cover of the storybook and talk about it

3. Scanning/ skimming the text- Who(Characters)/Where/When(Settings)/What was the problem?/What

   would happen next/at the end?(Prediction)





1. Read aloud: Chunk Reading –Whole Class à In teams (Stop Game/Role-Reading) àIndividual Reading

2. (w/o book)- Comprehension(Factual à Inferentialà Critical thinking questions)

3. True or False

4. Who said?/When does he say it?/Why does he say it? Game

5. Speed Game (by saying/writing key words)- 2 teams

   T: an old woman who has evil, magic power, S: a witch



1. Storyline: Retell the story by ordering the key pictures

2. Information Transfer: Graphic Organizer (Story Map: Who/Where/When/What was the problem?

                              /What happened at the end?)

3. Reading Journal

4. Portfolio-Personalization(Presentation)

   ‘If I went to witch school …..’
